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Conquering Impostor Syndrome

Impostor Pic.

Sometimes, an individual might doubt their skills and abilities for no reason. Sometimes, this self-doubt can be detrimental in taking the next right actions in our lives. There have been several conversations about Imposter Syndrome and what it is. It is commonly known as a thought pattern where the individual, even though very accomplished in life, believes they are hiding a secret that they are a fraud. The individual attributes success to luck or change instead of their hard work.

Let’s look at two ways to conquer impostor syndrome. 

  1. Create a list of remarkable successes. 
    First, take a few moments to think about some moments in life where you felt most proud, accomplished, or overcame a challenge. This can be in both your personal and professional life. With these moments in your mind, create a list of your remarkability. Write down a list with the phrase, “I am remarkable because……then fill in the blank”. Continue to write items on the list. It could be the time you gave a phenomenal presentation, were a great partner, or got that promotion. When you are finished writing, read the list out loud. You could also keep this list in an important space where you can read it often. As new “wins” arrive, add to the list.
  • Borrow Your Belief from Someone Else. 
    When we face a new task that appears challenging, we can lean on others to strengthen our own beliefs in ourselves. Meaning, we borrow our friends, family and colleagues, belief in your skills and abilities. We ask them to lend support and ask them to build us up. This is explained in Dr. Maria’s podcast and video “Borrowing Someone’s Belief in You“.